65 Roses" is a nickname for Cystic Fibrosis (CF) that goes back to 1965, when a young boy thought it was the name of his disease. Since then it has inspired the name for many CF fundraising events across North America, including the 65 Roses Ladies Golf Classic (Calgary) and 65 Roses Golf Tournament (Nanaimo).
CF is the most common fatal genetic disease affecting Canadian children and young adults. At present, there is no cure. This cause is close to my heart because my dear cousin, Kelly Ryan had CF and sadly passed away in 2019, and our late grandmother, Raye Jerrard was a former National President for CF Canada. I am therefore pleased to present this special rose series below, with 50% of all proceeds to be donated to Cystic Fibrosis Canada.
For sizes or formats not listed in the price/printing options, please email me via my contact page.
Thanks for your support!
Jessie Robertson Photography